How do you make xchat this bad?
I’ve never seen someone turn xchat’s codebase into something so awful.
Here’s a list of just a few problems:
- The Channels Tab bar runs off the end of the window and wraps around down into the viewport preventing access to some widgets.
- When the Tab Switcher is turned on it forces the text entry box off the bottom of the viewport.
- Notices vanish into the ether without being displayed anywhere.
- You can add “favorites” to a list in the server settings but the UI doesn’t expose any method to join those channels.
- Sometimes you can’t close windows in the Tree switcher view and it seems to be arbitrary which ones.
- Putting your password into the Nickserv password box doesn’t make the client send the password to Nickserv on connect.
- If a window is undocked you can’t access the menu bar because it wiggles up and down incessantly.
- Channel invites also disappear into the ether. They just aren’t displayed anywhere.
- There doesn’t seem to be any way to view channel modes and they aren’t shown when you join a channel.
I could go on and on.
foxmajik about
XChat Azure